<div class="chat"><p>


Emote example:
< img class="emote" src="https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/6040a8bccf6746000db10348/1x" alt="pepeJAM"> this w/o the space in the img tag

CSS below

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Inter:wght@300&display=swap');
div.chat {
background: #181818;
color: white;
font-family: Inter;
line-height: 20px;
border-radius: 15px;
div.chat p {
margin: 20px;
line-height: 25px;

img.emote {
height: 30px;

/*Blue, Coral, DodgerBlue, SpringGreen, YellowGreen */
div.chat p span {
font-weight: 700;

span.c1 {
color: blue; }
span.c2 {
color: coral ; }
span.c3 {
color: dodgerblue ; }
span.c4 {
color: springgreen ; }
span.c5 {
color: yellowgreen ; }

/* green orangered red goldenrod hotpink*/
span.c6 {
color: green; }
span.c7 {
color: orangered; }
span.c8 {
color: red; }
span.c9 {
color: goldenrod; }
span.c10 {
color: hotpink; }

/* CadetBlue, SeaGreen, Chocolate, BlueViolet, Firebrick */
span.c11 {
color: cadetblue; }
span.c12 {
color: seagreen; }
span.c13 {
color: chocolate; }
span.c14 {
color: blueviolet; }
span.c15 {
color: firebrick; }